Navisworks Manage in BIM Workflow ( 3 Days, SGD 600 per person )
Time is TBC
BIM Modellers, BIM Coordinators, BIM Managers, Project Coordinators, Project Managers
Time & Location
Time is TBC
Singapore, 153 Bukit Batok Street 11 #04-290, Singapore 650153
About the Course
Detail Course Outline
Chapter 1 – Introduction to BIM, VDC & IDD
1.1 Construction Process & BIM Workflow
1.2 VDC: Virtual Design & Construction
1.3 IDD: Integrated Digital Delivery
1.4 BIM Dimensions & BIM Applications
1.5 Introduction to Navisworks
1.6 Navisworks in BIM Workflow
1.7 Chapter Review Questions
Chapter 2 – 3d Model Reviewing & Analysing
2.1 Overview of The User Interface
- Customizing The User Interface & Workspace
2.2 Using Basic Viewing Tools
- Using Mouse and Keyboard
- Using View Cube
- Navigation Bar and Navigation Panel
- Hands-On Practice
2.3 Getting Started a Project (Consolidating Trade Models)
- Navisworks file formats
- Importing & Settings
- New, Open, Append & Merge, Save/ Save as & Export
- Align, Unit & Transform
- Hands-On Practice
2.4 Reviewing The Models
- Saving and Retrieving Views
1. Save a Viewpoint
2. Editing Viewpoints
3. Viewpoint Defaults Options
4. Organizing Viewpoints (New Folder, Move & Sort)
- Sectioning the Model (Section Planes and Section Box)
1. Modify Sections in Plane Mode
2. Transforming Sections by Transform Tools
3. Additional Sectioning Tools
4. Using Reference Views
- Setting up the Display (View Options & Appearances)
1. Render Style Modes
2. Lighting Modes
3. Show Grids
4. Override Appearances Individually
5. Override Appearances Globally
6. Appearance Profiler
- Hands-On Practice
2.5 Analysing The Models
- Selecting Items & Investigating Properties
- Using Selection Tree & Save Sets
- Finding Items and Saving Search Sets
- Hiding/Un-hiding & Isolating Objects
- Hands-On Practice
2.6 Chapter Review Questions
Chapter 3 – Communication, Coordination & Collaboration
3.1 Mark-Up & Comments (Visual Check)
- Using Measuring Tools
1. How to: Measure Distances and Measurement Options
2. How to: Measure Angles
3. How to: Measure Areas
4. How to: Measure Shortest Distance Between Two Items
- Working with the Locking Options
- Measuring and Snapping Options
- Converting Measurements to Redlines
- Marking Up Scenes for Review
1. How to: Add Text to a Viewpoint
2. How to: Use the Draw Tools
3. How to: Add Tags
4. How to: Review Tags
5. How to: Merge Redlines
- View and Add Link
- Hands-On Practice
3.2 Clash Detection (Auto Check)
- Exploring Clash Detective Window
- Conducting a Clash Test
- Clash Rules
- Clash Results (Viewing Results, Adding Comments)
- Clash Test Reporting
- Navisworks Switch Back to Revit, Update the Model, Save & Refresh
- Linking a Clash Test to TimeLiner or Object Animations
- Practice 3b
- Duplicate Check and Collision Check
- Assignment 01: Coordination report must include:
1. Manual Coordination Report by Power Point
2. Auto-detected Clash Report in Excel Format
3.3 Animator & Scripter
- Animator
1. Animator Overview
2. Creating a Basic Animation
3. Manipulate Geometry Objects in an Animation Set
4. Section Plane Sets
5. Animator Playback & Adjustments
- Scripter
1. Scripter Overview
2. Creating and Organizing Scripts
3. Creating and Configuring Events
4. Creating and Configuring Actions
- Assignment 02: Any Scenario Animation Touch-up Movie in mp4 format
3.4 Materials & Rendering
Chapter 4 – BIM 4D Foundation
4.1 Introduction to Project Management, Planning & Scheduling
4.2 Navisworks TimeLiner Sequencing
- Exploring TimeLiner Window
- Navisworks Timeliner Sequencing Standard Procedure
1. Preparing in Native Model & Export to Navisworks
2. Create Tasks
3. Define Tasks
4. Attach Tasks to Geometries
5. Simulation Settings
6. Exporting
7. Processing in Movie Maker
- Assignment 03: BIM 4D Simulation & Calendar Creation
Chapter 5 – BIM 5D Foundation
5.1 Overview of Quantification & Workflow
5.2 Setting Up a Project for Quantification
5.3 Item and Resource Management
5.4 3d Model and Virtual Take-off
5.5 Managing Take-off Data
5.6 2D Take-off (Dwf/Pdf)
5.7 Analysing Changes
5.8 Exporting Take-off Data
Bonus Session
- Working with BIM 360
- Introduction to BIM 360 Fundamentals
- Certification