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Using ArCadia BIM

Writer's picture: Goh Thiam SengGoh Thiam Seng

ArCADia BIM is the program developed by Polish company named Arcadiasoft. The program includes the individual modules for architectural, construction and other MEP systems. There are 2 reasons for using ArCadia BIM. As an alternative to more expensive BIM system, for companies who has experience Autocad users. With Autocad users, picking up the software is easy, creating presentation and drawings.

TDS BIM team embark on a journey to use ArCadia BIM to fullfill the software potential as alternative to expensive BIM system and a tool for 3D presentation for BIM projects.

On 6th June 2022, our Technical Manager, Mr Thet , started learning Arcadia BIM and using his first project in BIM in 2010, he model the project. The project is a high-rise office building including multi storey carpark by using ArCADia BIM. The pilot model was previously done in Autodesk Revit. On 17th of June , we present the result. The solutions has some issue like the ramp, but they can be overcome. You may read on to understand how the result is achieved and to know more, please email us at .

The followings are the workflows and our finding throughout the modelling process.

1. Creation of Gridline

The gridline creation is the beginning part of any construction project. The holistic concept of gridline creation in ArCADia BIM is modular system rather than individual. The gridlines can be created and modified as a module. In our opinion, It is more efficient than drawing the gridline one-by-one method.

2. Creation of Levels

The level creation can be done though Project Manager, which is like combination of Layer Manager in AutoCAD and Project Browser in Autodesk Revit. The level can be added as and when wanted. However, the efficient workflow should be the adding of new level after creating building elements in previous level so that it can be utilized the “copy selected level contents” option. This option can let the users copy most of the major architectural items while creating new level. By doing so, this is not necessary to remodel the elements in new level. Since our pilot project is office building with typical floors, this option can save the modelling time.

3. Creation of Walls

The wall can be created through wall tool. The ArCADia wall material library includes variety of wall materials which are normally used in construction industry. Modelling wall is as easy as lines in AutoCAD. The other wall parameters such as heat transfer coefficient has been assigned for further analysis.

Another useful wall feature in ArCADia BIM is virtual wall. This is the tool that has been missing in most of the BIM software. When carrying out the space planning, there are spaces that cannot be shown in Architectural Model. However, we need to know the demarcation and area of those spaces. Therefore, usually, architect need to draw 2D line and calculate the area manually. For example, office tenant area, shopping renting area, etc. The virtual wall tool can resolve this sort of issues because the virtual walls can provide the layout demarcation and area automatically.

4. Creation of Rooms

Creation of Rooms in ArCADia is automatic. Once the walls have been created and enclosed, the rooms are created automatically. It is not necessary to create room manually as in other programs. Furthermore, the room element in ArCADia has already included the parameters required for further analysis such as cooling load, illumination. Therefore, the workflow can be shortened since it is not necessary to create another element “space”.

5. Creation of Columns

Columns can be created by column tool under Architectural Module. The workflow is the same as other programs. However, the column can be built from one level to above immediate level. For example, in our pilot project, the columns size is the same from Level 4 to Roof. ArCADia does not allow to model from level 4 to Roof. It only allows from level 4 to level 5.

6. Creation of Stairs

There is no significant difference in stairs creation. ArCADia can create normal stairs, spiral stairs. However, when it comes to calculation rules, the ArCADia provides the graphical presentation in properties menu. This can help users and modellers provide more understanding with regards to staircase modelling.

7. Creation of Ramp

When it comes to ramp, ArCADia provides the tool to create straight ramp. However, spiral ramp cannot be created by ramp tool. In our pilot project, there is a spiral ramp going up from ground floor to level 3 carpark.

For the spiral ramp, draw 3D tools such as helix and loft can be used to create the solid geometry and insert into the project model as 3D objects.

8. External Façade

In ArCADia, there is no specific tool to create the building façade or curtain wall system. Therefore, the wall should be customized as a glass wall by assigning relevant glass material, surface, and transparency.

9. Ceiling Creation or Above Floor Creating

Ceiling or above floor can be created by ceiling tools. The tool comes with some options to choose where applicable. This is quite user-friendly and the same as most of the programs.

10. Suspended Ceiling or False Ceiling

False ceiling or suspended ceiling can be created by suspended ceiling tool. The size of ceiling grid or type of ceiling can be specified after or before modelling. If the opening on suspended is needed, it can be modified after modelling. Futhermore the suspended ceiling can be copied to another level through project manager.

Object Explorer is the library where the elements like, furniture, shower accessories, MEP elements, are parked. The objects can be added into the project by using insert option from object explorer. In our pilot project, the toilets fitting such as WC, Urinal and wash basin are taken from library.

In case of the objects cannot be found in object explorer, the custom object can be imported by using OBJ format or DWG format.


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